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The Evidence that the Judicial and Law Enforcement System of the United Kingdom requires a Review and a New Approach

Writer: shanpanigrahi3000shanpanigrahi3000

With regard to the commitment that The Conservative Libertarian Party of the United Kingdom has embarked upon as outlined here: , the proof for a reveiw has come forth as follows:




from:     Shantanu Panigrahi <>

to:          LinkedIn <>,

"Central London County, Enquiries" <>,

Civil Appeals - Registry <>,

cc:           Jessica Da Costa <>,

Force Control Kent <>

date:      24 Dec 2023, 15:30





Central London County Court



Dear Sir/Madam,


1. With reference to the attached Notice of Hearing on Claim E35YM660(CentLonCtyCrtNOTICE OF HEARING OF APPLICATION.pdf kindly note that I have received no information whatsoever on whether Kent Police intend to issue criminal charges against me as I have not been told as to whether its investigations into alleged Malicious Communications on which I remain a suspect has reached the Crown Prosecution Service and if it has whether I am going to receive formal notification of Summons to Magistrates Court for a Pre-Trial Hearing which is what I want for reasons that the Court will read here: APPEAL AGAINST CONVICTION AND SENTENCING: 10 NOVEMBER 2023, 2 PM TRIAL (


2. Further on Constitutional Law surrounding criminal prosecutions, if Police are still carrying out its primary investigations on Malicious Communications matter, does it stop the Circuit Judge to announce a Ruling and Direction on my Claim for £18.4 million in damages and compensation from the United Kingdom Treasury within E35YM660?


3. Finally, which takes precedence: my Civil Claim against the Prime Minister in the Court of Central London, or the prosecution of a criminal offence that is pending from the continuing silence of Kent Police and North Kent Magistrates Court on my Appeal against conviction and sentencing on the Speeding Offence firstly, or the prosecution of a criminal charge by Kent Police on me as a suspect on Malicious Communications alleged against me?


4. I am copying this email for the attention of Lady Justice Andrews under Appeal CA-2023-000750 at the Court of Appeal, for it appears to me that the entire Justice system has collapsed right in front of our eyes, with LinkedIn refusing the service of proceedings as shown below.


Yours sincerely


Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

3 Hoath Lane



Kent ME8 0SL

United Kingdom

Tel: 07967789619


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Notice of Hearing of Application

In the County Court at Central London

Claim Number E35YM660

Date: 13 December 2022



Z1819776/MMX HO19

The hearing of the claimant’s application dated 23.06.2022

Will take place at 10.00 AM on the 20 January 2023 at the County Court at Central London, Thomas More Building, Royal Courts Of Justice, Strand, London, WC2A 2LL.

Time Estimate 1 hour IN PERSON before a Circuit Judge

LISTING POLICY: The court’s listing policy is determined by the senior judge and implemented by staff in accordance with his directions. Your case may not be allocated to a judge until the day of the hearing, and may have to wait in the unassigned list until a judge becomes available to hear it. Every effort will be made to ensure that your case is heard at this or another convenient court. If it is not possible to provide a judge to hear your case, the court and Her Majesty’s Court and Tribunal Service will not be responsible for any costs incurred in the absence of any departure from listing policy due to maladministration.

Parties should be aware that this case may be one of several cases that have been listed to

commence at this time. This may mean that your case will not be called immediately at the time scheduled, but may be heard later in the day. We will try to ensure that if your case is listed in the morning it is heard by 1 pm and if your case is listed in the afternoon it is heard by 4 pm. In some circumstances it is possible that your hearing could overrun. You and any witnesses should therefore be available until the end of these periods or even later.

If there are special reasons why this is inconvenient you may make a short notice application to a circuit judge to adjourn. Ordinary inconvenience arising from the fact of being in the unassigned list will not be sufficient reason for an adjournment, nor will the fact that both parties agree to an adjournment.

ACCESSIBILITY: Please inform us as soon as possible if you, your witnesses or legal representatives have a physical disability that may affect your attendance at this court. We can make alternative arrangements for the case to be heard in a suitable court room by calling the Customer Service Team

on 0300 123 3577.

FILING OF SKELETON ARGUMENTS AND TRIAL BUNDLES: Trial bundles (if applicable) should be lodged no earlier than 3 working days before the trial (unless otherwise ordered). All trial bundles should be

. phoning our Disability Contact Officer 0207 947 6063.

To help us provide the best help and support, you should try to explain how your disability affects you and give as much information as you can. This will help our staff or the judge to consider what you’ll need to do during your case and any help we can provide. Our staff will always talk with you and agree any reasonable adjustments you need.


Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

3 Hoath Lane






Automatic Response



from:     Civil Appeals - Registry <>

to:          Shantanu Panigrahi <>

date:      24 Dec 2023, 15:30

subject: Automatic Response


Signed by: 

security:                Standard encryption (TLS) Learn more

:               Important according to Google magic.


Thank you for your email.

Legal Representatives


Please note that from Monday 14th February 2022 it is now mandatory for professional users to submit all documents (e.g. bundles, skeleton arguments, application notices etc.) via E-Filing.  General correspondence may be sent by email.

This is pursuant to Practice Direction 51O of the CPR and the Practice Note which supplements it.

For Unrepresented Parties only

URGENT applications should be submitted to the court via email to this address:  between 9am and 4.15 pm

What may be deemed as urgent:

Cases where in the interests of justice a substantive decision is required within 7 days.  The types of work listed below fall into this category

•        Child cases

•        Committal appeals

•        Applications for stay of removal

•        Evictions

•        Cases (including ancillary applications) with a hearing listed in the Court of Appeal within the next month

•        Applications for an urgent stay of execution

•        Covid-19 related cases e.g., medical guidance regarding priority patients

NON-URGENT applications should be emailed to: 

This auto response is confirmation that your email has been received and you will not receive a separate acknowledgement. Staff will follow the internal processes that have been established to process your application as quickly as possible.

All appellant’s notices will be accepted in the first instance on the basis that they may be rejected at a later date for want of jurisdiction.

Fresh applications for permission to appeal must include:

•             a completed appellant’s notice (form N161)

•             grounds of appeal on a separate sheet

•             The appropriate court fee via your PBA account, a completed Help with Fees form (EX160) or by contacting the RCJ Fees Office on 0203 936 8957 or by emailing  between the hours of 10:00am and 16:00pm, Monday to Friday (except bank holidays)

•             a copy of the sealed order being appealed.

•             A transcript of judgment should also be provided if available (or should be ordered immediately)

The public counter at E307 (Registry) remains closed, however a drop box facility is available at the main entrance into the Royal Courts of Justice.

Once the appellant’s notice is issued, all queries should be emailed to the appropriate following addresses:

The court will issue orders electronically in the first instance.

You can find contact details for other courts in other jurisdictions at the Courts & Tribunals Finder.

Customer feedback

The Court of Appeal – Civil Division accepts online complaints through the HMCTS online complaint form:

The online customer feedback system has been designed to help customers make an administrative complaint through the HM Courts & Tribunals Service process. It will also help us to learn from customer feedback to feed into possible improvements to the way we work.


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