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Writer: shanpanigrahi3000shanpanigrahi3000



Administrative Court Office, General Office

Attachments09:43 (2 hours ago)

Good morning, Thank you for your email. My colleague Brian is on annual leave today and I will try answer to your query as best as I can. Brian has sent to you

from: Shantanu Panigrahi <>

to: "Administrative Court Office, General Office" <>

date: 6 Dec 2021, 12:07

subject: Re: Re: * OFFICIAL *


Dear Lucia Meloni

I followed the Court's directions by telephoning 03000810006, pressing No 1 option first and then redialling the number and pressing the N02 option, but on both occasions, no one answered the calls. I then dialled 0845 120 3715, it went to a Premium Number but did not connect on two tries.. I then tried 0207 7947 7701 Personal Support Unit and there was no answer. Then I tried the Community Legal Services Direct No 0845 3454345 No and managed to speak to a male person. I gave him all my personal details including email address and told him that I was following up the Administrative Courts directions. I said to him that I wanted them to take on my Case and get the Home Office Passport Agency to speed up the issue of my United Kingdom Passport for it is causing great distress as I continue to be held in limbo. He replied that they could not help me any further than ask me to contact the citizens advice and gave me the 0800 144 8848 number to ring. I accepted that but before phoning the citizens advice I tracked the Passport Office and found that there was no update on my application to re-establish my United Kingdom Citizenship.

I prepared the following submission to discuss with the Citizens Advice Bureau: 'I have been directed by the Administrative Court of the Royal Courts of Justice to contact various organisations and they gave me the telephone numbers of these. I have followed up the directions and finally managed to speak to Community Legal Services on 08453454345 where I explained the nature of the problem that I face. To cut short I was working at a job in Challengetrg on 24 November 2021 and doing my Induction when Kent Police came in before me and asked me to accompany them to the Police Station under arrest. I went and they held me in a police cell for nearly 5 hours before they released me without bail and I came home. Since then I found that the police had taken away our home desktop computer, my USB Memory Stick and the old Mobile Phone for investigation of the allegation of online Stalking and Harassment. At the weekend gone I sent an email to the policeman who arrested me asking for an update on their investigation and he has not replied. So I do not know whether I can resume my job at Challengetrg or Manpower Group and I am also waiting to know the result of a job interview that I attended at bp Lenham near Maidstone.'

This is just to keep the Administrative Court informed of the actions that I have taken immediately following your judgment that this matter is finally decided that it is amenable to a Judicial Review at this Court. I will pay the £154 Court Fee later this afternoon as my daughter is busy on the laptop that we purchased very recently following Kent Police's decision not to return our desktop.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

On Mon, 6 Dec 2021 at 09:43, Administrative Court Office, General Office <> wrote:

Good morning,

Thank you for your email.

My colleague Brian is on annual leave today and I will try answer to your query as best as I can.

Brian has sent to you the link to the Judicial Review guidance 2021. Before lodging an application for a Judicial Review, you are kindly requested to read the guidance or seek independent legal advice in order to receive some help in lodging your application and to verify whether this Court is the correct route of appeal for you. Court staff are not legally trained therefore we are unable to advise you. You can also contact a local Citizen’s Advice Bureau for their assistance. At the Royal Court of Justice we have a Personal Support Unit which may be able to assist you as well, contactable at 0300 081 0006. You can also refer to the following link: Homepage | RCJ advice or contact the in House RCJ Citizens Advice Bureau at the following number: 0845 120 3715.

Some other numbers that can be contacted to seek assistance are:

Community Legal Services Direct: 0845 345 4345

Personal Support Unit: 0207 947 7701

Another option for you would be the Support Through Court organisation. They can assist litigants in person with preparing bundles, lodging applications and preparing for hearings. They can be contacted as follows:

- Using the Support Through Court website to make an appointment:

- Coming down to the Royal Courts of Justice to Room M21 on a Tuesday or Wednesday.

They are not allowed to give litigants advice about what claim to lodge or what forms to use but can help litigants to comply with instructions.

Please be reminded that an application for Judicial Review can only challenge a decision from a Governing/Public body and you must have an actual decision document/letter from said to apply for a Judicial Review. You must also be mindful of the decision date (date stated on your letter), as many of our applications have a limited time-frame to lodge the case in this Court (from 6 weeks to 3 months).

I have also enclosed our guidance to lodge an application electronically (please follow the instructions for a litigant in person). Please note that the fee for a Judicial Review is £154 which must be paid before lodging the application (attached the Fees office notice to pay for the fee via credit/debit card). If you are unable to cover the cost of the fee, you can apply for help with the fee via the EX160 form (also attached).

I hope this helps.

Kind regards,

Lucia Meloni | Administrative Court Office | Issues and Enquiries C324

Queen's Bench Division | HMCTS | Royal Courts of Justice| Strand, London | WC2A 2LL

Phone: 020 7947 6655 (Option 6)

Web: *Official*


Criminal & Extradition Enquiries:


In accordance with Practice Direction 5B - Electronic communication and filing we ask you to do the following when sending an e-mail message to the court:

· Clearly state the Court's action number, parties’ names and any dates relating to an up-coming hearing in the subject header.

· In accordance with Practice Direction 3.3a, please do not submit documents which carry a payable fee; such e-mails will be deleted.

We do not accept documents over 50 pages by electronic means.

From: Shantanu Panigrahi []

Sent: 03 December 2021 15:02

To: Administrative Court Office, General Office <>

Subject: Re: Re:

Dear Mr O'Meara

In your original question you had asked me who the governing body is that should be amenable to the Judicial Review process of the Adminstrative Court, and I gave the full scenario of the options that we both explored, and seemingly came to the understanding that the Home Office is the governing body, not the the courts or any other Insitution of the State. The Home Office regulates the Police, as well as the Citizensnp/Passport issing agency so I was suggesting to you that I should submit this evidence for the Home Ofice who should provide its defence or evidence for the Judicial Review.

If we cannot agree to this then I have exhausted all the legal processes and de facto Stateless.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

On Fri, 3 Dec 2021 at 14:28, Administrative Court Office, General Office <> wrote:

Dear Dr Panigrahi

The administrative court does not have the jurisdiction to do that.

The court suggests you seek legal advice.

Kind regards

Brian O’Meara *OFFICIAL*

Administrative Court Office | Issues and Enquiries | C324

Queen's Bench Division | HMCTS | Royal Courts of Justice| Strand, London | WC2A 2LL

T: 020 7947 6655 (Option 6)| Web:


Criminal & Extradition Enquiries:

In accordance with Practice Direction 5B - Electronic communication and filing we ask you to do the following when sending an e-mail message to the court:

· Clearly state the Court's action number, parties’ names and any dates relating to an up-coming hearing in the subject header.

· In accordance with Practice Direction 3.3a, please do not submit documents which carry a payable fee; such e-mails will be deleted.

We do not accept documents over 50 pages by electronic means.


From: Shantanu Panigrahi []

Sent: 03 December 2021 14:25

To: Administrative Court Office, General Office <>

Subject: Re: Re:

Dear Mr O'Meara

Thank you for this response to the application for an a,appropriate Judicial Review in light of all the facts and figures involved.

All that remains for me is to ask you to Order the HM Passport Office prioritise my application for the renewal of my United Kingdom Passport on the assurance that you have given me here that I have not done any wrongdoings over the past 47 years and since 1984 when I naturalised into British Nationality and Citizenship. We need to book a visit to India in January-February 2022 for which Visas need to,be applied for in time and air tickets purchased. I completed al\l the online Passport renewal formalities and sent my old ,passport back to the Passport Office on 23 November 2021, but have just checked on the tracking system on line that no further action has been taken since the receipt of the passport that was acknowledgedged only on the 29 November 2021 when the Royal Mail data shows it to been signed for much earlier.

Thank you for a reply before 5.00 pm on this Friday so that we can plan ahead as a family.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

On Fri, 3 Dec 2021 at 12:10, Administrative Court Office, General Office <> wrote:

Dear Dr Panigrahi

Please see the attached guide and the below link:

The Administrative Court Judicial Review Guide 2021 (

Also please see the attachment on how to serve documents electronically.

Kind regards

Brian O’Meara *OFFICIAL*

Administrative Court Office | Issues and Enquiries | C324

Queen's Bench Division | HMCTS | Royal Courts of Justice| Strand, London | WC2A 2LL

T: 020 7947 6655 (Option 6)| Web:


Criminal & Extradition Enquiries:

In accordance with Practice Direction 5B - Electronic communication and filing we ask you to do the following when sending an e-mail message to the court:

· Clearly state the Court's action number, parties’ names and any dates relating to an up-coming hearing in the subject header.

· In accordance with Practice Direction 3.3a, please do not submit documents which carry a payable fee; such e-mails will be deleted.

We do not accept documents over 50 pages by electronic means.


From: Shantanu Panigrahi []

Sent: 03 December 2021 10:46

To: Administrative Court Office, General Office <>

Subject: Re:

Dear Mr Meara

I would dearly like to lodge a judicial review for there is uncertainty on who precisely is the governing body over the Defendant the Right Honourable the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom under review in Claim E35YM660 of the County Court of Central London. It seems clear fo me from a ,past correspondence of several years ago that the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council would be the appropriate governing body, because it went beyond the Supreme Court in writing ot me (I will have to look through my old email accounts to ensure there this is a true recollection or something that I have surmised over some years). It may go beyond that to the Privy Council itself as the body that discharges duties on judicial as well as Parliamentary processes and procedures so that the Right Honourable Jacob Rees Mogg should be consulted to offer his opinion on whether our Constitution is certain in respect of the Monarchial powers to perform Her duties to the State on the advice of her Ministers, whether it is the Prime Minister under Royal Prerogative powers, the Leader of the House of Commons, or whether Her Majesty the Queen on exceptional circumstances where the legal processes have revealed a conundrum would take it upon herself to overrule the advice that she receives.

There is urgency in this case because a person cannot be held Stateless unable to travel abroad when no grounds have been judicially passed as to why my United Kingdom Citizenship/Nationality has been brought into question with the restriction on me as attached: ToLuluccTideWixCompaniesHouseSupremeCourtECHR2Dec2021.docx.

I should respectfully submit that when I first petitioned Her Majesty in 2000 after reading the Readers Digest Book 'You and your rights' that as a last resort a person can ,petition the Monarch, I had expected as all reasonable ,people would to have her personal judgment on whether I am welcome in the United Kingdom or not with the history of truth-seeking that I have engaged in to determine the Constitution of the United Kingdom, and creating the appropriate ,political structure in the construction of the The Conservative Libertarian Society with its offshoot The Conservative Libertarian Party of the United Kingdom(; https:/, to, try and resolve the anomalies in the Constitution that generates a lacek of social and political cohesion in the State. But the petition got sent to Her Majesty's Court and Tribunal Service (HMCTS) and that went around in circles despite a subsequent reminder that I had sent earlier this year. So the Judgment on the petition has not been announced.

If you agree that this lack of Judgment from the petition to Her Majesty should receive a final judgment through a Judicial Reivew, kindly forward your response to ths email through the Supreme Court enroute the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council to Her Majesty the Queen on the grounds that if the Monarch should have any direct role in the organisation and functions of the State it would be in the judicial processes to ensure that the popluation have access to the law to air their personal grievances that the criminal and civil laws have failed them on. On that score the The Conservative Libertarian views the Queens Speech to the the House of Commons as being a figure-head role determined by the due ,processes of democracy,

Please let me know today whether I need to pay any addtional fees to the £100 already paid fto the HMCTS or this Judicial Review.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

3 Hoath Lane





United Kingdom

Tel: 07967789619

On Fri, 3 Dec 2021 at 09:58, Administrative Court Office, General Office <> wrote:

Dear Dr Panigrahi

Would you like to lodge a judicial review? You can only do this in the court where the defendant is a public body or governing body. Who is the governing body in this instance?

Kind regards

Brian O’Meara *OFFICIAL*

Administrative Court Office | Issues and Enquiries | C324

Queen's Bench Division | HMCTS | Royal Courts of Justice| Strand, London | WC2A 2LL

T: 020 7947 6655 (Option 6)| Web:


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For information on how HMCTS uses personal data about you please see:

In accordance with Practice Direction 5B - Electronic communication and filing we ask you to do the following when sending an e-mail message to the court:

· Clearly state the Court's action number, parties’ names and any dates relating to an up-coming hearing in the subject header.

· In accordance with Practice Direction 3.3a, please do not submit documents which carry a payable fee; such e-mails will be deleted.

We do not accept documents over 50 pages by electronic means.


From: Shantanu Panigrahi []

Sent: 02 December 2021 15:45

To: Administrative Court Office, General Office <>

Cc: Administrative Court Office, List Office <>



Administrative Court

Administrative Court Office

The Royal Courts of Justice




Dear Judge

May I entreat upon you to institute a Judicial Review that is long overdue on the attached conundrum: ToKatrinaSale(Conservatives)2Dec2021.

Thanking you in advance.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

3 Hoath Lane


Kent ME8 0SL

United Kingdom

Tel: 07967789619


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