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Re: Katrina, renewal of offer and over-extending my forgiveness

Writer: shanpanigrahi3000shanpanigrahi3000

Re: Katrina, renewal of offer and over-extending my forgiveness


from: Wai Leung Solicitors <> via


date: 24 Dec 2021, 03:54

subject: Re: Katrina, renewal of offer and over-extending my forgiveness


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: Important according to Google magic.

Dear Dr Panigraphi,

We refer now to the email you sent to us and others today. Please note for a final time that while we wish you all the best in your legal enterprises we have no involvement in your affairs, and never had any, and now require you under penalty of charges of harassment, to stop sending these emails to us.

While we have no knowledge of your recipient or of your arrests and charges, we suggest you take legal advice before sending out further such emails because they may make matters worse for you.

We have no idea who are Mr Coomber or Prof Cocker so we did not include their email addresses in this final reply.


Robert Leung

Wai Leung Solicitors

COPY FORWARD TO Ms Gaitri Issar Kumar, High Commissioner for India Indian High Commission, London, etc.

Wai Leung Solicitors, the Old Library, St Faiths Street,

Maidstone, Kent ME14 1LH

Tel: 01622807884 Fax: 01622678630

This e-mail (and any attachment(s)) is private and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. Its unauthorised use, disclosure, storage or copying is not permitted. If you are not the intended recipient please destroy all copies and inform the sender by

return e-mail. Any views or opinions expressed are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of Wai Leung Solicitors. Internet e-mail is not a secure medium. Any reply to this message could be intercepted and read by someone else. Please bear that in mind when deciding

whether to send material in response to this message by e-mail.

Shantanu Panigrahi wrote...

Dear Katrina

Following from my spontaneous discussions with my lawyers Bhatt Murphy Limited, specifically Christina Bodenes LLB and Franchesca Thompson, I am seemingly advised it is perfectly in order and allowed for me to email you on official Court Proceedings business, and connected matters. Police worms are, as usual, lying and seeking with malarkies to deny my constitutionally-guaranteed rights to freedom of expression. Communications are part of formal legal proceedings allowed or even ordered by Court and cannot be prohibited by some terrorist.

In all judicial, police and legal matters, I am a Master Escapologist because my knowledge, my abilities to comprehend real truth by means of my sattvic and lingam-probes and my

truth-exposures and accommodations are far superior to the truths underlying the Constitution of the moronic United Kingdom or of any other state anywhere in the world. I can therefore always strive to get that knowledge assessed in any Court action, be that mental health assessment or legal

assessment on criminality and viral immunities in civil prosecutions. As I wrote to you before, this is why the Mundaka Upanishad states Satymeva Jayate in Hinduism. No human values can trap me into legal or medical difficulties to take away my liberty, because I always have an answer; the

scope for manoeuvring with the Split Personalities Defence and hence the sanctity of Vishista-Advaita Vedanta with its political offshoot of The Conservative Libertarian Society, soon to fully replace The Conservative and Unionist Party, is simply unbeatable; and my sworn Dharma Rakshati Dharma is the eternal law of the universe and guarantees success in every dharmayudha I ndertake. Understood?

While I anticipate almost everything I am bemused to learn that you have recently notified the criminal behenchod PC Nichols of your admission your original complaint was mistaken, false and politically-motivated and that I am free to retrieve my property from custody with the Pursers Way

police station but also including intellectual properties you have got secreted at The Shilling address awaiting my collection.

To minimise the cost impacts on you, which could be very severe and bankrupting depending upon my mood and dispositions, now your evil deeds have cost me my prospective well-paid retail job at BP Lenham, because I do not have the tranquillity of mind needed to perform these duties after the

terrorism your accomplices unleashed upon me, I can humbly suggest you turn over a new leaf, co-operate fully with me and atone by obedient compliance with my simple and basic humanimal needs and instinct. Failure could lead to prosecution for perversion of the Courses of Justice.

By doing my reasonable bidding you will also be serving your political ambitions because you have observed from the recent election result in Shropshire which came about partly because of my influence to punish Mr Boris Johnson against whom I have resumed proceedings under HQ17X01773 where my claim under criminal and civil law is reinstated at Medway County Court under the supervision of the clerk to the justices at the registry of the Supreme Court.

The bully PC, a saale madarchod, bhosadiwale, kahinke suar-ke-bacche, Paul Nichols, a fascist wanking insect into whose metaphoric coffin I am hammering the final brutal nails, is in very deep murky trouble being investigated by the Medway Magistrates and COBRA for gross misconduct so you should not further jeopardise your financial well-being by associating or communicating with such a great fool. Only someone with severe mental health issues requiring incarcerations could

give me a month's advance warning of his impending property seizures and expect other than to have been directed on his later 'surprise' raid only to devices, identified according to my prior instructions to and by my 'wife', which devices themselves have never even once been used to send out discreet messages like this one. I can continue to send these out in spite of the seizure, and also to make regular daily blog articles, postings and social media entries since November 24, which I made a point of doing to reveal to this gobar-brained shit-bag constable that he has got only the

wrong devices and he will never find where I placed the real ones. All he did was make it a little more laborious for me to discreetly send these private, legally-sanctioned and required formal communications.

The peabrained dickless PC failed to realise that, after I judiciously took complex preplanned steps to protect what little I have through legal and politico-medical channels of the judicial processes within the State. This is my greatest single accomplishment, as the Established Master of Escapology from the consequences of any of my deeds. Had Bhosadiwale Nichols read he would never have embarked on his vendetta against me. He declared war on my family, can hereally think his own family has an immunity from lawful retaliation?

But I thank you and your former gentleman friend Kubla Khan (KK like CC, Charles Calthrop?), swimming in a sewer, from the bottoms of my heart for making, because of their three illegal property seizures on November 24 I, as a Master Escapologist, enticed and tricked these kahinke suars into carrying out, my legal proceedings to get £ 40 million in compensation from the nation of tightly-controlled morons without human rights cowering terrorised in an illicit police state so much easier. As a Vaishnavite Satya-Advaitist Hindu sadhaka trying to practice my religion peacefully in the United Kingdom, I still generously make you a decent, honourable offer of three percent of my takings (damages) in return for your full co-operation and your voluntary intimacy.

These following pristine articles written by me are mandated reading material for you before our coming meetings.

Manhood and Womanhood From the Evolutionary Perspective

The Philosophy of Lingam (Sacred Penis) Worship

The Curse of Feminism on Humanity

The Case for Full Marriages and Free Marriages in Law

An Analysis of Bertrand Russell’s View on Sex Before Marriage

When is it acceptable for a man to seduce a woman into the

mood for Sex?

Normal Sexual Foreplay Encounters

The Law on Rape and its Circumstances

Enticement, Allurement and their Roles as a Complete Defence

to a Rape Charge

Is Rape without Undue Force even a Crime, or only a Civil


The Sexual Privileges and Obligations of being the Mahatman


The Advantages of Affective and Affected Schizophrenia

From Research to Practical Application

Most are lodged by me here at and all are at

As the late Charles Stigant said, when you slave-taking coloniser phirangis plundered India for four hundred years it did you not consider it will be their/my turn eventually? I am a teen-aged buccaneer beneath the sheets even if outwardly I appear calm and nonchalant.

In accordance with my clearance certificates from Medical Doctor Mawanche and Lackadaisical Witch-Doctor Odesanya of Britton House, prescribing unwanted and unneeded medications

Willy-nilly, I in this present identity truthfully and officially deny sending you this final offer so you can atone for your past without ruining your career as will happen when the sender of is identified by police under E35YM660, Dr S. Panigrahi v. P.M.s Boris Johnson, Theresa May and 1500 other criminal persecutors of the covert state apparatuses.

I hope you accept this olive branch and forgive any excesses caused by my unpremeditated passion which took me also my surprise. Together we can explore what excites and interests you as well as me. I will undertake never to proselytise to you and soon to your delight my arisen guna consciousness will enslave you.

Kindly have your vaccination certificates to hand when I come on the agreed visit. This I include to satisfy Wai Leung Solicitors.

Yours affectionately

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

Our Shanti Niwas

3 Hoath Lane



Kent ME8 0SL

Tel: 07967789619, 07773135285

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----- Quoted message -----

From: BPRetailJobs <>

To: Shantanu Panigrahi <>

Date: 20 December 2021 16:40

Subject: Re: Right to Work (Passport Upload not working)

Hello Shantanu,

We cannot accept a driving license as proof of right to work. Are you able to remove this and add your copy of the passport you have attached?

Kind regards,

bp recruitment team

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