Proceedings: Harassment Appeal under E35YM660 23June2021/15July2021 of DJ Lightman's Order
Shantanu Panigrahi
AttachmentsFri, 17 Sept, 11:43 (4 days ago)
To The Conservative and Unionist Party Please note the attached developments: (a) DEFENCE STATEMENT ON HARASSMENT OFFENCE.docx (b) KENT POLICE.doc (c) ToKentPol
from: Shantanu Panigrahi <>
to: HM Courts and Tribunals Service <>,,
date: 21 Sept 2021, 18:48
subject: Fwd: Proceedings: Harassment Appeal under E35YM660 23June2021/15July2021 of DJ Lightman's Order
Central London County Court
For the attention of District Judge Lightman
Dear Honourable Judge
1. I was in two minds whether to copy this email to the Central London County Court, or wait till my investigation of the underlying Constitution of the United Kingdom was complete and I opted for the latter that you would kindly take into consideration in respect of my and my wife's Appeal of your Judgement and Order dated 21 June 2021 deposited on 23 June/15July 2021. Kent Police and Dr Odesanya are criminals engaged in a conspiracy against me to trap me into legal difficulties because I stood firm: as the attached documents additionally show: ToWaiLeung(KatrinaSale)21Dec2021.docx; ToPCNichols(KentPolice)21Sep2021.docx; and FrDrOdesanya(REPORTonMedicalReview)13Sep2021_21Sep2021.docx. You are aware no doubt that we have paid the £100 Court Fee and so are entitled to a Judgement by way of an Order immediately, so please ensure that the Duty Judge is aware of this email. Unlike your assertion Claim E35YM660 was never struck out explicitly as I have received no such Order from any Circuit Judge who alone has the jurisdiction to strike out the Claim.
2. If the Court disagrees with my present moment submission, kindly send me the Full Written Reasons as to why I did not receive a reply to the Appeal.
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
United Kingdom
Tel: 07967789619
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Shantanu Panigrahi <>
Date: Fri, 17 Sept 2021 at 11:43
Subject: Proceedings: Harassment Appeal under E35YM660 23June2021/15July2021 of DJ Lightman's Order
To: Katrina Sale <>, Complaints <>
The Conservative and Unionist Party
Please note the attached developments:
(c) ToKentPoliceccRashmi, WaiLeungSolicitors.docx
(d) ToKentPoliceccRashmiPCNicholls15Sep2021.docx
(e) To PCNicholls(KentPolice)15Sep2021.docx
(f) ToPCNichols(KentPolice)16Sep2021.docx
(g) To PCNIchols(KentPolice)16Sep2021b.docx
(h) ToShahSurgeryccMaudsleyHospital(AutismReferral)15Sep2021.docx.
(i) CentralLondonCountyCourtJudgmentorOrder21June2021.docx
I trust you will agree that there has been State-organised harassment and persecution of me ovever the past 24 years and that my
demand for damages and compensation of £5 million from the UK-Treasury was entirely justified
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
Tel: 07967789619
12 Attachments
(c) ToKentPoliceccRashmi, WaiLeungSolicitors.docx
(d) ToKentPoliceccRashmiPCNicholls15Sep2021.docx
(e) To PCNicholls(KentPolice)15Sep2021.docx
(f) ToPCNichols(KentPolice)16Sep2021.docx
(g) To PCNIchols(KentPolice)16Sep2021b.docx
(h) ToShahSurgeryccMaudsleyHospital(AutismReferral)15Sep2021.docx.
(i) CentralLondonCountyCourtJudgmentorOrder21June2021.docx
(j) ToWaiLeung(KatrinaSale)21Dec2021.docx
(k) ToPCNichols(KentPolice)21Sep2021.docx
(l) FrDrOdesanya(REPORTonMedicalReview)13Sep2021_21Sep2021.docx
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from: Central London DJSKEL <>
to: Shantanu Panigrahi <>
date: 21 Sept 2021, 18:48
subject: RE: Proceedings: Harassment Appeal under E35YM660 23June2021/15July2021 of DJ Lightman's Order
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