As the Founder of the Conservative Libertarian movement I am bound to place on record that the formation of the Conservative Libertarian Society is based upon the belief that there is a Creator God who designed the contents and evolution of the universe that we humans are a part of, with perfect truth-accommodation to this reality requiring us to take actions nonchalantly, spontaneously and unpremeditatedly to accede to this status quo. We do not rely upon intelligence-based analyses of any issue as we are unattached to any concept or beliefs as we strive for union with the universe. Only then is perfect harmony with Nature accomplished and one is then engaging in the process of social interactions in the most symbiotic manner possible for the preservation of the universe that we live in, which is limited to life on Earth by its very nature in the Establishment of this Reality.
We are secular in conception otherwise and do not pray or wish or anticipate or reflect, or hope or wish or desire anything else but to strive to perfect unity with Reality, otherwise known as Advaita in Hindu parlance describing non-duality.
If nothing else, we generate knowledge for mankind as our service to mankind in assisting all around the world to consult through our publications taking advantage of the technological progress that man has made in the development of the internet age that has the potential for eradicating divisions of mentality across the globe. We hope that this would be a powerful tool to bring humanity together globally so that humanity is governed according to to the same outlook in the interests of the preservation of the Planet Earth. That is a moral duty towards our future generations and we know that whilst we believe in all probability that the universe is pre-ordained and pre-orchestrated, magically by the power of the Creator God we have free-will to give us the freedom to chart our own individual futures and collective futures on this Planet through social interactions over the internet and so enabling the development of policies that are environmentally-sustainable locally and globally.
Our overriding principle is peaceful-harmony to enable the principle of live and let live for all living beings and we hope we will use our creativity to harmonise accordingly. One must not disturb the status quo and accept the realities that we individually face moment by moment in respectful considerations of all who we come across every moment and having meaningful converstations with them to jointly-enhance our knowledge base of each others in the conviction and principle that sharing knowledge leads to revision of existing literature on all aspects of life by members who may have harboured other beliefs that they are free to develop their minds on. We learn individually and collectively at the same time. The learning process never stops so long as the Earth evolves for new realities come to the fore that requires our attention and revision of our ideas hitherto.
Posted:16 December 2020; 7.28 am (UK-Time).