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Holding Boris Johnson to account for the Downing Street lockdown garden party - please share the cam

Writer: shanpanigrahi3000shanpanigrahi3000

Holding Boris Johnson to account for the Downing Street lockdown garden party - please share the campaign


from: Myles Cummins - 38 Degrees <>


date: 11 Jan 2022, 20:06

subject: Holding Boris Johnson to account for the Downing Street lockdown garden party - please share the campaign


Signed by:

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: Important mainly because it was sent directly to you.

This is an automatic email to confirm that your email to your MP through the 38 Degrees website has been registered. Below are some follow up actions you could take to help further the campaign.

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Dear Shantanu

Thank you for emailing your MP calling on them to hold Boris Johnson to account for the Downing Street lockdown garden party.

If you get a reply from your MP, please will you share it with the 38 Degrees team via this simple online form? That way, together, we can hold MPs to any commitments they make:

The more of us who contact our MPs, the more likely they are to feel the pressure. Please let your friends and family know about the campaign so they can add their support. There's an email below you could forward if you like. Or, you could share the campaign on Facebook or Twitter:



If you haven’t already done so, I wanted to ask if you could consider setting up a regular donation with 38 Degrees, and chipping in just £1 or £2 a week. 38 Degrees has no big donors, no government funding. We're entirely funded by small donations made from members of the public - and those donations are what keep us going.

But with all the different crises facing the UK right now, we need 3000 new people to step up and start a direct debit with 38 Degrees if we're going to make sure we can start 2022 ready to run huge impactful campaigns on the issues we all care about.

So, {% first_name %}, will you set up a small weekly donation today? You can make a secure donation here:

Thank you,

Myles and the 38 Degrees team

PS: 38 Degree is committed to being transparent about how donations are spent. You can read more about our donations policy and see our full audited accounts here:


Dear friend,

Have a look at this:

The Prime Minister has been caught out again. A new leaked email, hitting the front pages this morning shows that a ‘Bring Your Own Booze’ party took place at No10 in May 2020 - and Boris attended[1]. Over 100 people were invited, just hours after the whole country was told to follow strict lockdown rules, banning household mixing.

Everyone is rightfully furious - it’s dominating the news, the police are investigating, and the pressure the PM is under is the talk of Westminster. His own Conservative MPs believe ‘his only saviour is if the public has given up caring’ [2]. So let’s show them that isn’t happening. Together, we can make this backlash even more fierce.

Today, let's write to our MPs and ask them what they're doing to hold Boris Johnson to account. Our personal stories are powerful, so let's tell MPs what we sacrificed during lockdown to help save lives and halt the spread of the pandemic while No.10 was breaking the rules. Our stories will build the pressure on the PM, and let MPs know what the country thinks.

Please will you join me and email your MP now?



Here's the email you sent to your MP:

---------- Forwarded message----------

From: Shantanu Panigrahi <>

Date: Tue 11th Jan 2022, 8:06pm

Subject: Double Dutch: Double Standards, Propriety in Public Life: Democracy

To: Rehman Chishti

Dear Rehman Chishti,

You know me only too well. I have been campaigning against all kinds of injustices and ills in the way we are governed in the United Kingdom. But this saga surpasses them all, when the hypocrisy, the coercion, the expenditure of public funds, the bypassing of Parliamentary Scrutiny and holding the Prime Minister to Account is considered. The Courts of the Country are paralysed as they do not know what the law is. The Police are also in shambles when law enforcement is concerned.

The only way forward is to break free of career politics in a bid to bring what is right for the country in terms of democratic reforms to ideals is concerned. It is not too late. We must have a government of national unity, not Labour, Conservatives and Liberal Democrats as the protest vote gatherers. This is provided for in the Conservative Libertarian Party of the United Kingdom at,

I have been persuaded by 38 Degrees this evening to come out of Samadhi and return to life in the vyvaharika reality to engage with society and not be a self-centred person longing to become the lord of the jungle. We must reform the jungle, to make it more civilised, with kindness, empathy and concern for the welfare of all the citizens of the country and the countryside.

We were right to have come out of the European Union. I have pursued Mr Boris Johnson the Prime Minister and Kent Police through a civil litigation (Claim E35YM660 at the Central London County Court) that has now entered the International Criminal Court:


Please do consider that life is only worth living if you have a purpose to it rather than vegetating like a potato plant.

What are your credentials for being an MP if you cannot stand up to injustices and wrongdoings in your own Party. Katrina Sale put me through a lot of trouble by complaining to the Police about criminal anonymous emails that were sent by some criminals and not me.

Do something about this and have the matter raised in a Prime Minister's Question time for me.

Yours sincerely,

Shantanu Panigrahi

3 Hoath Lane



This email was sent by a constituent of yours through 38 Degrees. If you are an MP, or work for an MP, and would like to know more about this campaign, or 38 Degrees, please get in touch with Ellie Gellard at


Automatic reply: Double Dutch: Double Standards, Propriety in Public Life: Democracy



20:06 (10 minutes ago)

to Shantanu

Rehman Chishti MP

Member of Parliament for Gillingham and Rainham

Thank you for your email. I receive a large number of letters, emails and calls each day and I do my very best to respond to everyone as soon as I can. Complex issues may take some time, yet I will always aim to provide a reply to you within 14 days. If you have not received a response within this time, I would kindly ask you to resend your message.

To learn how my office handles personal data, please view my privacy notice at

If you are one of my constituents, please ensure you have included your name and full address (including post code). If you haven’t, please resend your email. Unfortunately, I am unable to reply without it.

If your query is really urgent, please call my office on 07535 822438 and we will do our best to help.

If you have copied me into an email and would like me to take action on it, please reply to this email stating you would like a response.

Parliamentary protocol prevents a Member of Parliament from dealing with correspondence from another MP’s constituency. If you are not a constituent I will, in most cases, forward your correspondence to the Member of Parliament who represents your area.

Thank you for taking the time to write to me.

Best wishes,


UK Parliament Disclaimer: this e-mail is confidential to the intended recipient. If you have received it in error, please notify the sender and delete it from your system. Any unauthorised use, disclosure, or copying is not permitted. This e-mail has been checked for viruses, but no liability is accepted for any damage caused by any virus transmitted by this e-mail. This e-mail address is not secure, is not encrypted and should not be used for sensitive data.


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