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Discussions on the Conversion of TCLS/TCLP to a religious charity

Writer: shanpanigrahi3000shanpanigrahi3000

Re: Charity registration



Shantanu Panigrahi

To:Stripe Support

Cc:Daneswari Kundeti,Jill Jesson,Enquiries,HMRC Online Support,Genna From Join It

Tue, 24 Dec at 07:37


Dear Stripe,


1. I have forwarded the correspondence below to the Charity Commission online (as acknowledged by the Cabinet Office shown) to begin the process of creating 'Vishista Advaita Sampradaya' as a religious charitable institution focussing exclusively on the work that the Commission approves. They require at least 3 members to act as trustees to the organisation which I am attempting to secure from our existing Members at Join It Membership Account; hence I have copied this email to Daneswari Kundeti and Jill Jesson.


2. The details of what we envisage our work to be has already been forwarded to you through prior consultations, for which we will use our Knowledge Developers United website at Brilliant Directories and the Join it Account. Both these accounts will be altered to reflect what we plan on doing. I will delete from the Title of the Join it Account the entries (TCLS and TCLP-UK) and also the blogposts that were published to reflect our new mission. Likewise the Knowledge Developers United Website will enter the link to the Join it Account to show the association with Religion and Charitable status of the reborn organisation.


3. I would now like to do the entire process of registering the organisation with the Charity Commission myself so as to save money and have direct control over what transpires with the Charity Commission, Stripe and Vishista Advaita Sampradaya going forwards.


4. From your other email received this morning, I went into 'Contact us' and was relieved to find the following verification notice:

It took me to the original Stripe Account where I could check the verification of my involvements with Stripe, Join It and Brilliant Directories:


What do you need help with? Select a topic or type your question below.

Your current verification status is:

Your account is verified. No further actions are necessary.

Did this help solve your issue?

(I pressed YES)

Great! Don't forget that you can come back here for support 24/7.

The chat has ended.


5. Stripe is hereby authorised to name the Account accordingly as 'Vishista Advaita Sampradaya' to replace 'The Conservative Libertarian Publications Limited' as dormant.


6. If Stripe has any outstanding questions or concerns, please let me know urgently.


Yours sincerely


Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

3 Hoath Lane



Kent ME8 0SL

United Kingdom

Tel: 07967789619



Thank you


Thank you for taking the time to participate in this survey.


On Tuesday, 24 December 2024 at 01:35:30 GMT, Stripe Support <> wrote:


Hi Dr Shantanu,


I wanted to let you know that we're currently reviewing your account and will be back in touch as soon as we have an update.





--------------- Original Message ---------------

From: Shantanu Panigrahi []

Sent: 12/22/2024, 6:54 AM

Subject: Re: Charity registration


Dear Mike


I solemnly give the undertaking that you specify that Vishista Advaita Sampradaya will only do charitable religious work on a day to day basis, such as developing our congregation through the Membership Account with Stripe at Join It.


From my point of view we can now move forward with Stripe accepting that it will remove the existing 'The Conservative Libertarian Publications Limited Account that is in place and replace it with Vishista Advaita Sampradaya Account immediately as going through the process of being registered with the Charity Commission once we have the plan that would be acceptable to the Commission and Stripe.


If this is a plan that Business Legal Limited can undertake, please let me know your Fees, sending me an invoice for the work is needed.


I look forward to communications both from yourselves and Stripe in this regard.


Yours sincerely


Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

3 Hoath Lane



Kent ME8 0SL

United Kingdom

Tel: 07967789619


On Sunday, 22 December 2024 at 14:44:04 GMT, <> wrote:


Ok we would need a business plan spelling out exactly what the charity will be doing on a day to day basis. However the Commission will not agree to register a charity which is not carrying out exclusively charitable activities and/or where there is more private benefit to an individual than public benefit.

The charity would need to have its own website rather than refer to others as well.






BusinessLegal  Limited  (Charity Registration Consultants)                                                      

Tel:  +44  (0)1925757887 or  (m) 07710141058

Skype :   bouncer1236103          


View linkedin profile :


UK Business Forums                                                    Call 0207 112 8188


This is an e-mail from Businesslegal  Limited whose registered office is situate at Holgrave House, 9 Holgrave Close, High Legh, Knutsford WA16 6TX. The Company Registration No. is 02970617 registered in England. The contents of this e-mail are confidential to the ordinary user of the e-mail address to whom it was addressed. No one else may copy or forward all or any of it in any form. Our postal address is the same as our registered office, where a list of our directors may be inspected.

Internet e-mails are not necessarily secure. Businesslegal Limited does not accept responsibility for changes made to this message after it was sent.

If you receive this e-mail in error, we should be obliged if you would telephone 01925757887 or e-mail Thank you.


From: Shantanu Panigrahi <>

Sent: 22 December 2024 14:28

Subject: Re: Charity registration


Dear Mike


Thank you.


I would like to use the name of the Charity as 'Vishista Advaita Sampradaya' to link with  and as a totally charitable religious organisation.


What obstacles will I face in doing so please?


Yours sincerely

Shantanu Panigrahi

3 Hoath Lane



Kent ME8 0SL

United Kingdom

Tel: 07967789619

On Sunday, 22 December 2024 at 14:16:35 GMT, <> wrote:




Ok you could possibly  keep The Conservative Libertarian Publications Limited on Dormant mode and go for the option of setting up a charitable incorporated organisation called 'The Conservative Libertarian Society” registered with Charity Commission.


However the Commission will wish to know what the non charity organisation will eventually  be used for and may be concerned at the similar names which could confuse the public. It would be better to have totally different names.






BusinessLegal  Limited  (Charity Registration Consultants)                                                      

Tel:  +44  (0)1925757887 or  (m) 07710141058

Skype :   bouncer1236103          


View linkedin profile :


UK Business Forums                                                    Call 0207 112 8188


This is an e-mail from Businesslegal  Limited whose registered office is situate at Holgrave House, 9 Holgrave Close, High Legh, Knutsford WA16 6TX. The Company Registration No. is 02970617 registered in England. The contents of this e-mail are confidential to the ordinary user of the e-mail address to whom it was addressed. No one else may copy or forward all or any of it in any form. Our postal address is the same as our registered office, where a list of our directors may be inspected.

Internet e-mails are not necessarily secure. Businesslegal Limited does not accept responsibility for changes made to this message after it was sent.

If you receive this e-mail in error, we should be obliged if you would telephone 01925757887 or e-mail Thank you.


From: Shantanu Panigrahi <>

Sent: 21 December 2024 15:38

Subject: Re: Charity registration


Hello Mike


1. Sorry to keep you waiting. I referred the options that you mention to Stripe to see which option would be acceptable to Stripe for I am in a bit of a predicament as to which path would suit my needs going forwards.


2. It all depends on whether I need to place 'The Conservative Libertarian Publications Limited on Dormant mode (so that I can revive it if I need to at a future date to sell my ~300 books) and go for the option of setting up a charitable incorporated organisation registered with Charity Commission has advantages and disadvantages. So my question is can I have both 'The Conservative Libertarian Publications Limited registered with Companies House and say 'The Conservative Libertarian Society as a Charity registered with the Charity Commission that would be more what Stripe would accept.


3. I set my objective for today to Stripe as follows:


[Action required] Additional information needed for The Conservative Libertarian Publications Limited

Shantanu Panigrahi

To:Stripe Support

Sat, 21 Dec at 14:01


Dear Stripe


It is vital that all payments and payouts received by The Conservative Libertarian Publications Limited in through the Join it, and the two Brilliant Directories websites that we have created is processed through Stripe.


Apart from the maintenance of our websites that Membership Funds and Donations will be used for, we wish to build and maintain a Hindu Vishista Advaita Vedanta temple devoted to Sri Krishna/Durga and worshipping our God through pujas in the United Kingdom as a long-term objective if we get sufficient funds.


I trust this now adequately answers all Stripe's questions for the Review to be completed today.


Yours sincerely


Dr Shantanu Panigrahi


On Saturday, 21 December 2024 at 12:24:21 GMT, Stripe Support <> wrote:


Hello Dr. Shantanu,

Thank you for your response.

We're still reviewing your account, and we require some additional information to complete the review. Can you please provide us with the following:

Kindly confirm if you will process the payment through Stripe.

Once we hear back from you, we will review your information within 48 hours. Please let us know if you have any questions—we’re here to help.





Hope to have your final advice quickly.




On Saturday, 21 December 2024 at 10:37:04 GMT, <> wrote:


Ok you cannot convert a shareholding company to a company limited by guarantee which is the type of company required.


Alternatively we could set up a charitable incorporated organisation registered with Charity Commission not Companies House.


I await your thoughts.






BusinessLegal  Limited  (Charity Registration Consultants)                                                      

Tel:  +44  (0)1925757887 or  (m) 07710141058

Skype :   bouncer1236103          


View linkedin profile :


UK Business Forums                                                    Call 0207 112 8188


This is an e-mail from Businesslegal  Limited whose registered office is situate at Holgrave House, 9 Holgrave Close, High Legh, Knutsford WA16 6TX. The Company Registration No. is 02970617 registered in England. The contents of this e-mail are confidential to the ordinary user of the e-mail address to whom it was addressed. No one else may copy or forward all or any of it in any form. Our postal address is the same as our registered office, where a list of our directors may be inspected.

Internet e-mails are not necessarily secure. Businesslegal Limited does not accept responsibility for changes made to this message after it was sent.

If you receive this e-mail in error, we should be obliged if you would telephone 01925757887 or e-mail Thank you.


From: Shantanu Panigrahi <>

Sent: 21 December 2024 10:13

Subject: RE: Charity registration


How can I convert it from a shareholding company to one that enables charity registration please?


Yahoo Mail: Search, organise, conquer

    On Sat, 21 Dec 2024 at 10:07 am,

    Ok having checked that company I note it is a shareholding company so cannot be registered as a charity.

    We would need to set up a new organisation.

    If that is something you are interested in let me know.




    BusinessLegal  Limited  (Charity Registration Consultants)                                                      

    Tel:  +44  (0)1925757887 or  (m) 07710141058

    Skype :   bouncer1236103          


    View linkedin profile :


    UK Business Forums                                                    Call 0207 112 8188

    This is an e-mail from Businesslegal  Limited whose registered office is situate at Holgrave House, 9 Holgrave Close, High Legh, Knutsford WA16 6TX. The Company Registration No. is 02970617 registered in England. The contents of this e-mail are confidential to the ordinary user of the e-mail address to whom it was addressed. No one else may copy or forward all or any of it in any form. Our postal address is the same as our registered office, where a list of our directors may be inspected.

    Internet e-mails are not necessarily secure. Businesslegal Limited does not accept responsibility for changes made to this message after it was sent.

    If you receive this e-mail in error, we should be obliged if you would telephone 01925757887 or e-mail Thank you.


    From: Shantanu Panigrahi <>

    Sent: 21 December 2024 10:01

    Subject: RE: Charity registration

    I have a Company registered with Companies House named 'The Conservative Libertarian Publications Limited'. We have not paid any taxes to HMRC since we were formed in 2021 because our turnover was nil and I as Director reported that Company paid me a salary. This morning Stripe Bankto o who we need to process Membership and donations

    Yahoo Mail: Search, organise, conquer

        On Sat, 21 Dec 2024 at 9:30 am,

        <> wrote:

        Thank you for the enquiry.

        In order for me to send you a more detailed response can you firstly clarify whether you have an organisation set up already which you wish to register as a charity.

        If so can you scan a copy of the governing document to me please.

        If you do not have such an organisation set up yet just confirm and I will proceed from there.




        BusinessLegal  Limited  (Charity Registration Consultants)                                                      

        Tel:  +44  (0)1925757887 or  (m) 07710141058

        Skype :   bouncer1236103          


        View linkedin profile :


        UK Business Forums                                                    Call 0207 112 8188

        This is an e-mail from Businesslegal  Limited whose registered office is situate at Holgrave House, 9 Holgrave Close, High Legh, Knutsford WA16 6TX. The Company Registration No. is 02970617 registered in England. The contents of this e-mail are confidential to the ordinary user of the e-mail address to whom it was addressed. No one else may copy or forward all or any of it in any form. Our postal address is the same as our registered office, where a list of our directors may be inspected.

        Internet e-mails are not necessarily secure. Businesslegal Limited does not accept responsibility for changes made to this message after it was sent.

        If you receive this e-mail in error, we should be obliged if you would telephone 01925757887 or e-mail Thank you.


        Sent: 21 December 2024 09:20

        Subject: Charity registration


        Name:Shantanu Pangrahi


        Preferred method of contact :Email

        Do you have an organisation already set up:Yes

        Where do you wish to register your charity ? :England & Wales

        Please list the type of charitable activities you will carry out :Religious activity of Hinduism

        Please indicate the type of organization you require:Company

        Will any trustees/directors receive a salary or other remuneration :No



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