COP26: Our Plan
Matt Richards - 38 Degrees
11:33 (37 minutes ago)
Influencing politicians is a complex web of interests and power - but we've made a plan to do it. Dear Shantanu, The COP26 climate summit is just two mont
11:59 (11 minutes ago)
Sent from my Galaxy
from: Shantanu Panigrahi <>
to: Matt Richards - 38 Degrees <>
date: 5 Sept 2021, 12:11
subject: Re: COP26: Our Plan
Dear Matt, Megan Kate and 38 Degrees Team
1. I am aghast by your lack of explanation as to the reasons why some of my cherished petitions at 38 Degrees were not hosted from among the following:
38 Degrees websites:
2. The result is that concocted charges have been framed against me by the Legal Services of Boris Johnson's government, as follows:
from: Shantanu Panigrahi <>
Rashmi Panigrahi <>,
date: 3 Sept 2021, 11:50
Dear Sir
In view of the following developments, I am cancelling my appointment of 8 September 2021, 12.15 pm with Dr O.Odesanya and will not be seeing anyone else at Britton House concerning the Active Review Process, nor the Initial Intervention process as the case may be from the duplicitous emails of Ian Marks a week ago, until Kent Legal Services issues an apology for its criminality in the issue of this Notice of Harassment using fictitious emails that I am supposed to have sent officials of the Kent and Medway Partnership Trust from Nomen Nescio and other anonymous emails from bastardised email accounts organised by the State Security Services to continue with its State-organised persecution of me. My Solicitors are due to send me a written email with their assessment of this matter in the meantime.
The Honourable Judge at the Central London County Court is being informed with regard to the Appeal for which I paid a hard earned £100 as Court fee only to see the relevant Judge machinate and prevaricate to deprive me of justice after the stupendous 24 years of struggle to get the Judges to examine the conduct of the University of Greenwich that stole my £55,000 severance payment.; and to perpetrate insult to injury got the Cabinet Office to steal our £4170 of hard savings in the judgement attached without any iota of shame and remorse as idiotic moronic slaves of Her Majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom.
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
Tel: 07967789619
---------- Forwarded message --------- Fwd: Accusation of Harassment
From: Shantanu Panigrahi <>
Date: Fri, 3 Sept 2021 at 08:22
Subject: Accusation of Harassment
To: <>
Recognised body law practice
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Dear Dakers, Marriott and Dugdale
I am being accused of harassing Kent and Medway Partnership Trust when in actual fact it is the other way round: please look at the contents of the attached email that I received yesterday: FrLegalServices(CAE)2Sep.docx. The letters are unsigned and a hard copy is supposed to have been posted to me.
I would need you to defend me against these scurrilous accusations from Kent and Medway Partnership Trust.
Thank you for your kind attention.
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
Tel: 07967789619
2 Attachments
CentralLondonCountyCourtOrder 21June 2021.pdf.
from: Central London DJSKEL <>
to: Shantanu Panigrahi <>
date: 3 Sept 2021, 11:51
Signed by:
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3. No answers were forthcoming to the following query:
Explore & Engage
15 hours ago
1 min read
Acknowledgement of Service of proceedings of criminal harassment by me on KMPT officials.
Letter from KMPT_legal Services received by Claimant on Saturday 4 Sep2021 at 10.00 am.pdf
Download PDF • 1.61MB
Since I have no legal representative after drawing a blank from DMD Solicitors yesterday in respect of the following submission,
Download DOCX • 16KB
and I have, in fact, received at 10.00 am today the service of criminal proceedings from the Legal Services of Kent and Medway Partnership Trust to reiterate that I must seemingly avail myself to the Magistrate at Medway Magistrates Court, the nearest criminal court to where I live; and since I cannot have any contact with the officials of KMPT from now onwards because any such contact whether verbal or written will be construed as representing further harassment from me, the best course of action for me now is to acknowledge this document as legal Service of those proceedings here for the attention of 'All Whom This May Concern'.
I look forward to getting my day in Court; as it would be the first time in 24 years of attempts that I will, I feel sure, be given a fair hearing and not get subjected to another of the kangaroo courts at Her Majesty's pleasure.
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
Posted: 16.54 pm hours (UK-Time) 4 September 2021
4. If you would see to it that a proper explanation is provided to me concerning this matter so that an appropriate petition is initiated by 38 Degrees today, I would be happy to chip in a significant amount of money for your work.
Hope to hear from you soon.
Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
Tel: 07967789619
On Sun, 5 Sept 2021 at 11:33, Matt Richards - 38 Degrees <> wrote:
38 Degrees Logo
Dear Shantanu,
The COP26 climate summit is just two months away. It’s a crucial opportunity for global leaders to commit to ambitious action to tackle the climate crisis. The UK is hosting, which means Boris Johnson has a huge role to play - but right now he’s not taking it seriously. [1]
That’s where we come in. The 38 Degrees team has developed a plan for the next two-months to push the government into action. Here’s what we’re thinking:
Polling - we’ll research what the public think of Boris Johnson and Rishi Sunak’s inaction and then get it into newspapers. And we’ll run separate polling in regions across the UK, so MPs feel the pressure too.
Newspaper ads - we’ll get our message splashed across national and regional papers we know Boris and Rishi care about.
Emails to MPs - we know MPs aren’t hearing from the public about this, so we need to change that. Together we can get thousands of emails hitting MP inboxes over the next few weeks!
Working with others - like our friends at The Climate Coalition. [2] The coalition is a massive network of organisations pushing the government into action. We’ve put our heads together to share information, plans, and ideas.
We hope you’re as excited about these plans as we are Shantanu! But here’s the thing: none of it comes cheap. We need to raise thousands of pounds in the next week so we can put the plan into action. Alone, that’d be impossible. But together we can make it happen.
If everyone reading this email chips in a fiver today, we’ll have enough cash to kick off this plan tomorrow! Shantanu - if you’re able to, can you help?
Chip in £10
Chip in £15
Chip in £20
Chip in another amount
Politics - and how to influence politicians - is a complex web of interests and power. That’s why we’ve spent the last few weeks talking to other organisations and experts - including people who’ve spent years working for political parties. Now we’ve made a list of key targets - and what makes them tick:
Government ministers. We all know Boris Johnson is important. But aside from him some ministers are pushing to make the summit a success. Others - like Chancellor Rishi Sunak - are holding it back. [3]
Red wall Conservative MPs. This group of MPs - most of whom took these constituencies from Labour at the last election - is important because Boris Johnson really cares what they think. [4]
Pro-environment MPs. A network of Conservative MPs is pushing the government to prioritise the environment. We need to encourage them - and help them - to get their message heard.
Anti-environment MPs. This group is sceptical about prioritising a green future and worried about the cost involved. We need to show them that the public does care.
By aiming different tactics at different MPs at the right time, we can push their buttons and pressure them into action. But we haven’t got long - and it’s going to cost a lot of cash. For example, opinion polling alone will cost tens of thousands of pounds!
But that’s what’s so amazing about 38 Degrees. As a community, we can all contribute to making these plans a success. If thousands of us donate a few pounds today, we can hit the ground running tomorrow.
Shantanu, the government can’t afford to mess this summit up - so we can’t afford to sit back and do nothing. Can you chip in a few quid today and help us put our plan into action?
Chip in £10
Chip in £15
Chip in £20
Chip in another amount
Thanks for being involved,
Matt, Megan, Kate and the 38 Degrees team
[1] The National: COP26: Tories accused of being 'missing in action' on climate change
[2] The Climate Coalition
[3] The Guardian: Treasury blocking green policies key to UK net zero target
[4] [4] Express: Sorry Keir! Boris gets resounding support in Red Wall seats 'Cares more for the people'
Telegraph: Boris Johnson warned of ‘trouble’ as Red Wall MPs rage against green agenda
Independent: Boris Johnson losing grip on ‘red wall’ seats, poll shows
38 Degrees wouldn’t exist without you, Shantanu.
38 Degrees has no big donors - we\’re funded by ordinary people who care, like you. Regular donations mean that we can plan future campaigns, pay our staff a decent wage, and keep fighting for what we all believe in. And with the challenges we're facing - it's going to take as many of us as possible chipping in to help tackle them.
So, Shantanu, will you consider setting up a regular donation of a fiver, tenner or whatever you can spare?
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