In my final assessment of the Climate that needs to change in the World and within Nations, I had outlined that there simply is no justice for the ordinary citizens in the United Kingdom and the Prime Minister is the de facto Constitutional Head of the country above the law because he/she is under the protection of the Monarch of the day under Royal Prerogative Power vested into him so the Courts such as the County Court of Central London will not entertain civil litigation that brings into question the authority of the Prime Minister in a damages and compensation Claim, in my case E35Y660.
The UK is a Police State clearly and the citizen is a subject in that he cannot take the State to a higher court internationally such as the International Criminal Court for the brutality with which its citizens are tortured.
The House of Commons is in shambles with the two party system and the protest party of the Liberal Democrats such that a Conservative Member had directly defected to the Labour Opposition this week in apparent disgust on the authoritarian and dictatorial Prime Minister Mr Boris Johnson.
This leaves me with only one avenue to pursue from now on and that is a political path to change in the way the nation is governed.
I established The Conservative Libertarian Society with its political offshoot the Conservative Libertarian Party of the United Kingdom with this idea in mind rudimenatally but it has now taken on significantly higher level of commitment to protest and activate for changes:
I shall be standing for election as a Conservative Libertarian in the next general election and will be looking for support in this cause.
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
Tel: 07967789619