I must make it clear that I am a person of very limited finances and these are earmarked for my publications and websites that I maintain towards the goal of developing knowledge for world conservation. It is a passion of mine to do so. I am just over 65 years old having examined the Constitution of the United Kingdom over the past 24 years and do not like what I have deduced from that examination. Today I am a Republican in the sense that I would like to see the Monarch of the day subject himself or herself to the electorate every 15 years for continuation in the role of the Monarch, for permanent life-time occupation as the Head of State with dictatorial powers that the current Monarch implements generates national and international corrupution on as scale that is unbelievable within the unwritten Constitution of the United Kingdom. I have explored all avenues to try and rectify the corruption but it is a case of absolute power corrupts absolutely. Some might argue that it is treasonous to declare oneself to be such a Republican but it is a compromise arrival of judgment that maintains stablitity whilst ensuring that we have democracy of the people, by the people and for the people where people are not slaves to the Monarch. These are my first priorities in what is left of my life.