Imran Khan has been a great servant of the people of Pakistan throughout his adult life since he represented the country in Test cricket and subsequently developed international relation with his marriage to Jemma Khan and finally established a formidable political party to become the Prime Minister of Pakistan. The country does have democracy but the military is in the background directing Security issues and that is how the Consitution works in the country.
This report is a worrying development for democracy where politicians are silenced and unable to speak to international bodies:
Imran Khan was ousted as the Prime Minister and subsequently served summons for corrption charges that he is defending as a law-abiding citizen of the country.
The Conservative Libertarian Society supports Imran Khan in his determination to do what is right for Pakistan taking chances as he sees fit. He has called for dialogue with the military esablishment, which shows that he sees the military as an important aspect of the democracy.
In a country that has economic problems which require political stability to be tackled to make the country prosperous for the millions of poor and with natural disasters that hinder progress, we as a society that promotes peaceful protests strongly condemn violence as happened to the military establishments a few weeks ago. Both sides blame each other and the present government or the military have issued threats to declare the People's Tehreek-e insaaf a terrorist organisation.
We call on Imran Khan to alse issue statements to stop any violence and continue to have faith in the Judicial system of the country while he calls for the elections to be held on time and not get delayed.